Evan Green founded Corporate Liberation in 2024 after a seventeen year corporate career in enterprise technology sales. Ironically, the more successful he became, the more frustrated and disenchanted Evan became with the corporate world. Focusing singularly on the problem of being a corporate employee, Evan relentlessly studied, introspected, and analyzed until he formulated a strategy for liberation. Evan outlines this strategy in his book Liberation Day: Quit Your Job and Escape the Corporate Trap. He created Corporate Liberation to share his experience and help other corporate employees shed the golden handcuffs and find financial freedom.
Evan has a unique background perfectly suited for Corporate Liberation. In addition to his seventeen years of multi-million-dollar corporate software sales, Evan helped his wife Brooke become an entrepreneur and build a successful business, Green College Consulting, from scratch. Evan has been advising on the business since 2013 and assumed the role of COO in 2024.
Evan has a strong legal and business background, both critical components of a new business. Evan earned a J.D. from the University of San Francisco School of Law in 2007 and a B.S. in Business Administration from Georgetown University in 2002, graduating Cum Laude, with a concentration in New & Small Business Management.
Evan lives in San Diego County, California with his wife Brooke and son Teddy. His personal interests include golf, baseball, cooking, and travel.